Leadership Tools archive
Responsible Tech Hub archive
Cross-functional collaboration in the age of AI
The car to carry the engine
Responsible AI is as much about the small stuff as it is about the big stuff
Revisited: Seeing responsible innovation through a value lens
Seeing responsible innovation through a value lens
Fireside chat for new managers: The importance of feedback
CWIL 2022 Women’s Power Summit: Top takeaways
I had the great fortune to attend the Center for Women in Law (CWIL) Women’s Power Summit this year. The theme this year was The Power of Transitions to Transform. The presenters were absolute rockstars and generous with advice, anecdotes, and insights. Here’s a ‘lucky 13’ list of the advice that most resonated with me.
What I covered in my recent leadership talk for tech leaders
I recently had the privilege of presenting on effective leadership to an audience of tech leaders at an international finance & investment organization. Here’s a summary of what we covered.