Welcome to Spirare Tech.

My name is M. Alejandra Parra-Orlandoni, but you can call me MAPO.

spirare  /spi-'rä-re/  verb  1  to breathe.  2  to live… .  (Latin)

Spirare is the etymological root of aspire and inspire. Technology is most powerful when it fuels our aspirations and inspiration, unlocking previously unfathomable ways to achieve worthy goals.

Shaping your future

Defining a future you want is hard. Shaping a future you want is even harder. 

I’ve helped dozens of organizations make the most of the ever-changing intertwining of people and emerging technology. Product strategy, experience design, scaling teams, and navigating other inflection points are my specialty.

I do this by applying systems thinking* and drawing upon my unique combination of engineering, organizational leadership, and legal experience across multiple industries. 

*Did you know it’s estimated that systems thinkers make up <10% of the population?

How I can help

Speaking Events

Roundtable discussions, keynotes, or panels. Kickstart catalytic discussions about innovation, inspire teams, get people engaged.

Leadership Dev

For teams or individuals. Strike the right balance between delivering results today and remaining adaptable to rapidly evolving trends.

Frame & Solve

Workshop an innovation, transformation, or future-proofing challenge you’re facing. Focus on the right problem, co-design solutions.

Questions? Reach out!

Selection of past & upcoming speaking events

Selection of media spots

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